Download Linux Mint 21 'Vanessa' Beta now

Back in April, we learned that Linux Mint 21 would be named "Vanessa." Not much was revealed about the operating system at the time, but the developers did share a small bit of information. For instance, we now know that version 21 of Linux Mint will be based on Ubuntu 22.04, and as expected, the same three desktop environments will once again be offered -- Cinnamon, MATE, and Xfce.
Earlier this month, we also learned that the controversial systemd-oom will thankfully not be included in Linux Mint 21, while the Blueman Bluetooth manager will replace Blueberry. And now, the developers have shared something much more exciting than tidbits of information -- actual ISO files! Yes, the Beta of Linux Mint 21 "Vanessa" is now available to download.
You can download the pre-release operating system using the below links.
Before you install Linux Mint 21 "Vanessa" Beta, please know that the official announcement is still forthcoming, including an actual changelog and known-bug list. For now, you will have to poke around on your own to discover what is new. With that said, a proper announcement shouldn't be too far off now.
Image credit: Tihon6/