Microsoft UUP will deliver smaller and faster updates to on-premises Windows 11 22H2 devices from March

Starting at the end of March, Microsoft is going to deliver its first UUP on premises updates to Windows 11 devices.
Available for systems running Windows 11 22H2, UUP (Unified Update Platform) on premises works in conjunction with Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and Microsoft Configuration Manager. Ultimately, it means smaller updates for clients and faster update delivery, but there will be a hefty download to kick things off.
See also:
- Microsoft releases KB5022836 update to fix Windows 11 21H2 security issues
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- Microsoft fixes security issues in Windows 11 22H2 with KB5022845 update
The new system is designed for business and enterprises, and promises client downloads that are 30 percent smaller. But in order to benefit from this, there is a 10GB (yes, 10 gigabytes) download that sysadmins need to plan for.
In a blog post ahead of next month's changes, Microsoft says:
We're bringing the power of Windows Update and Windows Update for Business to the on-premises configuration! Starting March 28th, on-premises Windows 11, version 22H2 devices will receive quality updates via the Unified Update Platform (UUP). UUP on premises interoperates with Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and Microsoft Configuration Manager. The much-improved default experience comes with a sizeable initial download to distribution points to set the stage for small and easy updates going forward.
The company warns, however, that "there's just one preliminary step to get you ready for this experience: a one-time 10GB download to distribution points with your first UUP update. That update is coming on March 28th".
Microsoft goes on to explain:
UUP is becoming the default and only way to download quality updates. This means that you should plan for an additional 10GB download to distribution points (not endpoint clients) with the March 28th update. That's a one-time 10GB download for updates for Windows 11, version 22H2 per architecture (AMD64 and ARM64).
The company shares the following benefits of the new system:
- Up to 30 percent smaller client downloads for quality updates
- Cumulative update integration with feature updates (i.e., get current in one reboot)
- Seamless retention of installed language packs and optional features (FOD) during feature updates
- Reduced client downloads for feature updates (i.e., inbox app downloads are conditional)
- Automatic OS healing during the update process
- End-user acquisition of language packs and FOD
More information is available in the blog post.
Image credit: liorpt / depositphotos