MSN Messenger 2019 Edition is the messaging app you didn't know you needed

These days, if you want to chat with friends and family you probably do so through one of the many mobile messaging choices -- such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Snapchat.
Before mobile communications really took off, Microsoft’s cross-platform MSN Messenger (later rebranded Windows Live Messenger) was the chat tool. At its peak, some 330 million users a month were logging into the instant messaging client. MSN Messenger was discontinued in 2014, with Microsoft’s acquisition of Skype from eBay largely to blame for its demise, but if you’ve ever wondered what the chat tool might look like if it was revived today, then MSN Messenger 2019 Edition is the answer.
Serial concept creator Kamer Kaan Avdan has produced new designs for iOS 13, Windows 11, and Windows 7, to name but a few, and now he turns his sights to Microsoft’s ancient, but fondly remembered instant messenger client.
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In this new video, Avdan reimagines MSN Messenger as a mobile app running on an iPhone XS. It shows which friends are online, as well as past chats, and makes it easy to access contacts, calls, the camera, and settings from a bar along the bottom.
You can quickly change your status, if you want to appear offline, and show friends songs you’re listening to on Spotify and Apple Music.
You can follow your favorite friends and get a pop-up notification when they go online. You can play games (just as you can in Facebook Messenger) and Nudge people. Something Avdan refers to as the "most annoying feature".
He also introduces the idea of custom emojis, the option to pin messages, and welcome blocking options.
At the start of the video Avdan describes MSN Messenger as the chat tool you don’t miss, and he has a fair point. But if Microsoft did decide to bring it back, would you use it? Share your thoughts in the comments below.