Windows 10 October 2018 Update nearly ready for re-release

The problems with the recent Windows 10 October 2018 Update have been well documented. If it wasn’t deleting your files, then it was stopping Edge working, and not playing nicely with display drivers.
Microsoft responded to the negative feedback by "pausing" the update after a matter of days, and went to work on addressing the problems, rolling out a new test version to Windows Insiders last week.
Feedback must have been positive, because Microsoft has now pushed that update to Insiders on the Slow and Release Preview rings, suggesting a re-release for all Windows 10 users is just around the corner.
The fixes in the new Cumulative Update -- Build 17763.104 (KB4464455) -- include:
- Fixed the issue where the incorrect details were being shown in Task Manager under the “Processes” tab.
- Fixed an issue where in certain cases IME would not work in the first process of a Microsoft Edge user session.
- Fixed an issue where in some cases applications would become unresponsive after resuming from Connected Standby.
- Fixed several issues causing application compatibility problems with 3rd-party antivirus and virtualization products.
- Fixed several issues with driver compatibility.
Photo Credit: Luis Molinero/Shutterstock