Don't want Windows 10? Good news -- the nagging will end soon

Microsoft today stated that the free upgrade period for Windows 10 will end on July 29 and after that if you want the new OS, your options are to buy a new PC running it, or to purchase a copy for $119.
If you have no interest in Windows 10, and are happy to stay with Windows 7, or 8.1, the good news is the end of the free period will also mean no more nagging to upgrade to the new OS. Or it will reduce at least, as the software giant will be removing the 'Get Windows 10' app from systems.
SEE ALSO: Microsoft says Windows 10's free upgrade offer is coming to an end soon, but questions remain
I asked Microsoft a couple of questions regarding the cutoff date, and what it would mean for the Get Windows 10 app, and was told by a spokesman that:
Details are still being finalized, but on July 29th the Get Windows 10 app that facilitates the easy upgrade to Windows 10 will be disabled and eventually removed from PCs worldwide. Just as it took time to ramp up and roll out the Get Windows 10 app, it will take time to ramp it down.
So while the app won’t vanish on July 29, it will be removed eventually, leaving you to decide for yourself if, or when, you want to get Windows 10.
Photo credit: kurhan/Shutterstock