Use this sneaky trick to get access to Windows 10 19H2 Skip Ahead builds

Most Windows Insiders choose to be on the Fast ring, as they get to test new features when they arrive. The more cautious Insiders might choose to be on the Slow or Release Preview rings.
For those who want to be on the bleeding edge, however, there’s the Skip Ahead ring, which lets Insiders go from the current preview (in this case 19H1 -- the April 2018 Update) to the next one (19H2 -- the October 2019 Update). Microsoft reopened the Skip Ahead ring a week ago, but as always there were limited places for it, and it closed a few days later. However, with a simple registry tweak you can ensure you receive Skip Ahead builds.
I should point out, that while you’ll be offered 19H2 builds you won’t actually be in the Skip Ahead ring as such.
You’ll obviously need to already be a Windows Insider to use this trick. Assuming you are, launch the registry editor and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\UI\Selection. Locate UIContentType, double click on it, and change its value to Skip. Next, locate UIRing and change its value to WIF. Now navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability. Change the value of ContentType to Skip, and do the same for Ring.
Restart your PC. Go to Settings > Update & Security and check for updates, and if there’s a Skip Ahead build, it will be made available for you to download and install.
Image credit: ratmaner/ Shutterstock