Joe Belfiore admits Windows Phone is dead -- only bug fixes and security updates to come for Windows 10 Mobile

Joe Belfiore has finally admitted what we have all known for some time: The Windows Phone dream is dead. Microsoft's Corporate Vice President for Windows used Twitter to make it clear that Windows 10 Mobile will receive "bug fixes, security updates, etc," but adds that "building new features/hw aren't the focus."
Asked by Twitter users whether it is time for people to abandon Windows mobile devices once and for all, Belfiore said that while support will remain in place for those who decide to hang around, he himself has already moved on.
The problem -- as if there was ever any question -- is apps. Microsoft failed to convince enough developers that Windows Phone or Windows 10 Mobile were viable platforms, leading to the famous "app gap" that plagues those who choose to stick with Microsoft rather than moving to Android or iOS. Belfiore reveals that Microsoft paid money and even wrote apps for developers to help incentivize them, but it was simply not enough:
We have tried VERY HARD to incent app devs. Paid money.. wrote apps 4 them.. but volume of users is too low for most companies to invest. ☹️
— Joe Belfiore (@joebelfiore) October 8, 2017
But when the former face of Windows 10 Mobile has moved on, it's probably time for those few remaining hangers-on to do the same:
(1/2) Depends who you are. Many companies still deploy to their employees and we will support them! ...
— Joe Belfiore (@joebelfiore) October 8, 2017
(2/2) As an individual end-user, I switched platforms for the app/hw diversity. We will support those users too! Choose what's best 4 u.
— Joe Belfiore (@joebelfiore) October 8, 2017
So there you have it. The words "Windows 10 Mobile is dead," may not have passed Belfiore's lips, but they might as well have done.