Apple Music finally comes to Linux

Apple Music is the best streaming music service. Yes, it is better than Spotify. Apple's offering has a superior interface and better new music discovery. Hell, I recently discovered the best album of the year on Apple Music -- Blowing on a Marshmallow in Perpetuity by 0 Stars. Seriously, check it out, y'all.
Unfortunately, Apple Music doesn't work on traditional Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Fedora. It does, however, work on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. Chromebook users can take advantage of the Apple Music Android app from the Play Store. Traditional Linux users, however, are sadly left out of the party.
Today, this changes, as Apple Music finally comes to the web -- in beta. This is something many other streaming music services, such as Spotify and Google, already offer. Better late than never, eh? This means traditional Linux users can finally enjoy Apple Music by simply visiting a website.
This came at a good time for me, as I recently sold my one and only Mac. Since this means I would be using Fedora more often, I was debating switching to the lesser Spotify just for the web-based player. Now that Apple Music has a web version, I can pretty much enjoy the service on all platforms.
If this seems like an uncharacteristic move for Apple, you are right. The company often likes to lock its users into its world -- a web based version of Apple Music doesn't do that. The times are changing, however, so as Apple and other companies focus more on selling services, the platform becomes less important.
If you want to try the beta Apple Music on the web, you can simply click here. Keep in mind, while this is big news for Linux users, the web version can also be used on Windows and Mac. Believe it or not, despite the beta designation, it seems to work flawlessly in my testing. It looks great, works well, and quite frankly, is a better experience than iTunes.
Photo Credit: 3Dalia/Shutterstock