Windows 10 consolidates its lead over Windows 7

While other analyst firms, such as StatCounter, had Windows 10 overtaking Windows 7 sometime ago, it took until the end of December 2018 for NetMarketShare to show the new OS overtaking its predecessor.
With NetMarketShare’s figures, which show usage share, there was always the danger that Windows 7 might regain the lead (albeit temporarily) in January, but that never happened and Windows 10 is now comfortably ahead.
SEE ALSO: Windows 10 finally overtakes Windows 7
The latest numbers show Windows 10 has 40.90 percent, up from 39.22 percent in December. That’s a mighty increase of 1.68 percentage points.
In the same timeframe, Windows 7 actually grew 0.29 percentage points, going from 36.90 percent to 37.19 percent, but even so that still puts it 3.71 percent behind the new leader.
Windows 8.1 is now on 4.34 percent, down from the 4.45 percent it managed in December.
As Windows 7 is on its last year of support, we can expect to see more of a rapid decline in the coming months, but it’s safe to say it will remain hugely popular for some time yet.
Image credit: fizkes/Shutterstock