Ubuntu-based Linux Mint 21 'Vanessa' now available for download

Just yesterday, we told you 4MLinux 40 was available for download. We also stated 4MLinux was an operating system that simply didn't need to exist. Another such distribution that isn't necessary anymore is Linux Mint. While Mint is a very solid OS, the brutal truth is, users would be wise to just use the operating system on which it is based -- Ubuntu.
But OK, many people have been using Linux Mint for years and they are not interested in changing their ways. Fair enough. If you are such a person that is prepared to "ride or die" with Linux Mint, today, the latest version of the operating system is officially released. Code-named "Vanessa," Linux Mint 21 can be downloaded immediately.
As is typical, Linux Mint 21 can be had in your choice of three desktop environments -- Cinnamon (5.4), MATE (1.26), and Xfce (4.16). Why three? Who the hell knows. I suppose it is because no one DE can't please everyone, but let's be honest, Cinnamon is the star of the show and pretty much the only reason to use Linux Mint. After all, there are already "official" versions of Ubuntu that use Mate and Xfce -- Ubuntu MATE and Xubuntu respectively.
Linux Mint 21 is based on Ubuntu 22.04 and uses Linux kernel 5.15. Notable changes are the Blueman Bluetooth manager replacing Blueberry, the inclusion of a new thumbnail app called "Thumbnailers," and improvements to the Sticky Notes app. Yeah, this new version of Linux Mint isn't particularly exciting.
For those of you interested in installing Linux Mint 21, you can download an ISO here now. Which of the three variants should you get? While all three desktop environments are good, Cinnamon is the best of the bunch and my recommendation.
Image credit: HayDmitriy/depositphotos.com