Windows 12 is everything Windows 11 should be

For the most part, Windows 11 is a decent operating system, but it's not without its issues. It seems that every new update Microsoft releases these days brings new frustrations, and it's no surprise that the vast majority of users are preferring to stick with Windows 10 -- for now.
Although Windows 11 is still pretty new, talk of its successor, Windows 12, has been bubbling in the background for a few months now and if you were wondering how it might look when released, we have the answer.
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Prolific concept creator Addy Visuals, whose past creations include Windows XP 2022 Edition and Windows 7 2022 Edition, has put his creative abilities into imagining what Windows 12 could look like, and it’s stunning.
Highlights, of which there are many, include an all-new Start menu, and a Dynamic Taskbar, which I really like, which gives you important information at a glance.
The Taskbar can be customized in lots of ways, and you can choose from Joined, Classic or Compact. Apps can be grouped in the Taskbar too.
One of Addy’s imagined new features is App Groups which lets you organize your desktop in a whole new way.
There are new Widgets, and these can be pinned to your desktop. There’s also a Smart Dock which lets you perform various tasks quickly.
File Explorer has been redesigned and looks amazing. It comes with a Drop Zone that you can drag and drop files onto for easy access later. Finally there’s a smart Dynamic Dark Mode.
I’m a big fan of this new concept, but I'd be interested to know what you think of it. If you like wallpapers Addy used, you can get those here.
Watch the video below and then share your thoughts on it in the comments.