Watch 23 years' worth of programs failing to respond in Windows (from Windows 2000 to Windows 11) in just two minutes

In a nostalgic trip down memory lane, YouTube channel Nobel Tech has created a video showcasing the evolution of the infamous "This Program is Not Responding" Windows error message over the years.
The video starts with the prompt in Windows 2000 and takes viewers on a journey through time, ending with the message that shows up in the latest version of Microsoft’s operating system, Windows 11.
SEE ALSO: Downgrading Microsoft Windows -- from Windows 11 to Windows 1.01
The video highlights just how much Windows itself has changed over the years, and how little the error response has.
Each version of the error prompt gives users a choice of ways to respond, from the simple -- "End Now" or "Cancel" -- to the more advanced, like "Check for a solution and close the program", "Close the program" or "Wait for the program to respond".
As Nobel Tech notes, "Surprisingly, the fallback not responding screen is still being used all the way up to Windows 11!"
You can watch the full two minute video below. Provided your browser doesn't stop responding in Windows, that is...