Forget buggy Windows 11, Windows 12 is the operating system we want

Windows 11 is a good operating system, for the most part, but it’s not without its problems. It seems every new update Microsoft rolls out these days introduces fresh annoyances. No wonder the vast majority of users are sticking with Windows 10.
Although Windows 11 has only been out for just over a year, talk of its successor, Windows 12, has been bubbling in the background for a few months now and if you were wondering how it might look when released, we have the answer.
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Serial concept creator Kamer Kaan Avdan has previously designed updated versions of Windows 95, Windows XP, Windows 7, as well as Apple’s version of Windows 10, and even showcased his idea for Windows 11 long before Windows 11 was even announced. Most recently he created a video for his own operating system vision, which he called AvdanOS.
Today he turns his attention to what Windows 12 could look like, and as you might imagine given the talented creator's previous works, it’s very impressive indeed.
Highlights, of which there are many, include a re-imagined taskbar, dynamic pin widgets, and the biggest update to the desktop ever, which includes Scenes, that are basically wallpapers that adapt to your widgets.
File Explorer also gets an update with the introduction of Collections that let you drag and collect the files you need without creating folders. You can also multitask with in-window split screen.
I’m a big fan of this new concept, which is unlike anything we've seen before, but I'd be interested to know what you think of it.
Watch the video below and then share your thoughts on it in the comments.