Think Windows 10 is bad? Feast your eyes on Microsoft's macOS -- the desktop operating system we definitely don't want!

If you’re a Mac owner, then you’ll be very familiar with macOS, Apple’s desktop operating system. Similarly, if you own a PC -- and it isn’t running a flavor of Linux -- then there’s a good chance it will have Windows 10 on it.
macOS and Windows 10, like other desktop operating systems, share lots of similarities, but they are also very different in their own ways. But what if they weren’t? What if Microsoft was making macOS instead of Apple?
SEE ALSO: Sorry Microsoft, Apple's Windows 10 is the operating system we really want!
A year ago, serial concept creator Kamer Kaan Avdan, who has also released videos for updated versions of Windows 95, Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 11, turned his attention to showing how Windows 10 would look if it was created by Apple. The result was amazing.
Today, he does the reverse and looks at what macOS would look like if Microsoft made it. The result is amusing.
While there are certainly good elements to the Microsoft version of macOS, such as Live Tiles and Notifications, Avdan also pulls no punches, by adding other features that Windows 10 users will be familiar with, such as inconsistent design, the coexistence of two apps for the same thing -- a new Settings app and the old System Preferences -- and annoying automatic updates. There’s even a macOS Blue Screen of Death to amuse (or horrify you).
There’s no Microsoft Edge in this concept, but Internet Explorer -- with Bing! -- is showcased, as are Fluent Design elements… in some places!
If you don’t take the creation too seriously, it’s great, and a lot of fun. Share your thoughts on it in the comments below.
If you like the look of the wallpaper used in the concept you can download it from here.